Friday, January 2, 2009

going high res.

for the new year -

charlie will finally spring clean his 640x480 real estate (not in virtual life)
amy will glean over her 1024 dresses, and maybe donate 768 pieces to charity (which she never wore, but shopped online anyway)
lucy hopes to make her life a bit brighter, maybe like her new glossy lcd screen
andy hopes to get a bit of the colour in his best friend's life, which is in 32 bit (HIGHEST) colour
johnny wants to monitor his life a bit better. you know, like taking charge. like staying off facebook, or something. you know right? if not, nevermind. his online pals probably would.

me out.
they never tick.
you'll see, you'll see.
when i come again.


perhaps that is fate, or
an inaction in weaving our own strands.

the pentameter draws to a still
the seven steps slows to a crawl, and then


our notes doomed to obscurity.
poets of virtual unknown,
bodies of brimming ideas,
wheeled into the mortuary of eternal slumber

sealed shut.

we rhyme ourselves out of existence.

are we there yet?
no. where were we going again?
but these endless limericks,
these catchy riffs that only we share
they par the course.

we can only hope,
and wonder.