and then you came, the little upstart, who would completely change the world with your perspectives, techniques, worldview, and philosophy. the one who would capture the human spirit (what'd they call it? humanism?) in a bottle, and then display it proudly on a shelf. something that you could turn around, like inverting mirror, to shine on people themselves. to show them their laughable, wretched relationships with the world, with people people, with the air molecules surrounding them, with light, colour, position, sight, sounds, the five senses bar none, and then the actual endeavour of what it means to be living. you are the conduit to that divine philosophical understanding, who would open their eyes, ears, touch to a greater truth - some truth that only you (wish people) knew.
but no one would take it, kindly; to them, it's a trick mirror, not the ones magicians employ, but rather the overused, tired fun-house type that was so covered with slobbering fat men and children who were so prone to indulging their own random kinaesthetic desires that it wasn't polished anymore. we all know what that means, because shiny means good and new and the opposite is uncool. that was the initial phrase, the tough phrase. you were the straggler, the last of the bunch, the one people will up-turn their nose on whenever they knew your profession. the one voted "most likely to rule the world" based on a whim, and we all love losers, don't we? because they just won't win.
and then drip by drip, it was improved, perfected, developed. every brush, stroke, swipe, and dab. and people stood up, took notice. not that it was good, not at all. because people never had an idea of what was good. good was you becoming, but never you being. their eyes never saw you. they saw the beginning of something new, exciting, interesting. something they can get kudos about if only they'd share it on Facebook, Twitter, or the like and get the like vindication, or comments. yes, even better with comments, because someone would care, would say that they have a good eye, or better still, ask them something unrelated so that they can take the conversation offline and then finally be out of their pathetic isolated shells that they've so kindly shut and plugged themselves into.
so it's nothing about you. not at all. you're just the monkey wrench for wrenches and the lubricant for a well-oiled chat.
then things gather steam, as likes and shares pile onto the cindering oven. then people start doing the same thing as you. a similar poise, point-toes, split, spread-eagle double-double. but it's okay; they attribute. they get together with you and form a village. something like the men of ymca, minus the dowdy chats and poses that people do on wednesday night mamboes. instead, form tales of heroic sacrifice, self-imposed melodramedy that bards (you'll wish) would yodel even ages after you're gone. Vindication, we all desire it. so when it becomes vicious and circular, you become us.
but the winds keep blowing, not signalling change, but more of the same. and with the same, and with a populous following, it is necessary to cull. population control. quality control. to differentiate, to divide between sects, to legitimately call each other names like in playground play gone bad. so faiths are implemented to sieve the blasphemous from the devout, the ones who pay no heed to those commandments, those who would dabble in the occult, heresy, black arts, and then pervert the practice in unorthodox ways. for those, a special punishment awaits. cast out, not by stones, but as sell-outs, has-beens, marginal radicals, vigilantes. different. not like us.
all the while as the narrow church begins its ascendancy. a little higher, a little better, until it dwarfs the surrounding villages and overlooks them. 'no, we'll teach you ways of looking,' we say, 'we are the enlightened, and you unwashed masses will have to learn - slowly.' We'll invent new ways of speak if there was none, or coin our own if there was one. Simple rules and laws. Submit to the jurisdiction of this profession, or we will throw tantrums, lawsuits, and the kitchen sink. We're the specialists, the forerunners of our fields, and amateurs like you need not apply. For the ones who don't get it, well, just trust us. On (and use) our terms. We have the Eye. and for the blind, just follow.
if humility is lost forever, then what connection?