Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the age of relativity.

away with those einsteinian formulas, mere scientist
they solve no equations here
where there is whiter than white, blacker than black.
this is the age of relativity.

erase those scrawling lines of hypothesis, simple painter
no theory is ever proven here
where we judge our artistry by drawing comparisons.
this is the age of relativity.

debunk those myths of so-called laws, budding assistant
quantum mechanics serve no use here
where pupils are tempered by coloured glass.
this is the age of relativity.

you know what they say, those illuminating lights
to know happiness only after experiencing sadness,
what utter rubbish.
but this is the age of relativity.

(probably my subconscious speaking, but i think one does appreciate happiness better after a direct contrast.)

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