Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the Queen as a victim of circumstance

mirror, mirror on the wall
who in the land is fairest of all? – Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the
abyss gazes also into you. – Friedrich Nietzsche

triumphant Dictators waltzing in with both
heads held aloft
trumpeting their victories when
while treasure chests have burst at their seams
vaults can still be rented
where they are again
immortalised and savouring pride long gone
naked swashbucklers without being reminded of breaking their buckles.

virgins want to cast no coloured shadow in the reflector
that acknowledges their cubicled existence
rather prefer a stay in the anonymous dungeon cell
and its ceramic-tiled partitions
unlike certain parrots who perch up the highest rung and reign
with talons wide open, even on the shoulders of their giants.

yet all lasses eventually skip to the loo
(collectively because they are too afraid to face themselves alone)
dainty darlings who between hops and spins to draw applause
question their art privately in a studio of mirrors
isn’t ballet supposed to be choreographed so?
still when it comes to en pointe
all they can hear are commands to spread or lift
and work them for grunts of approval.

when exile comes via infirmity
they’re bestowed Her Majesties in lone thrones
abandon polishing to slice apple skin
vain attempts to prevent fair maidens from committing the same sin
but only divining one count behind or in front
condemned to the same time-lapsed pirouette dance.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

close one eye.

no wins, no mentions, so everything's out in the open.

You died
Not the only one
with a three second memory.

Scavenged treasure chests
deserve a sea burial, no less
opening the creaky hinge
I stare into (my own) greed already sunk
and then I walk you 9 storeys high
to plank you down in refuse

while you sailed your membraned globe
I was the lone constellation, the northern star
the one sailors of your kind worship, devouring
your radiance with beige palm-shaped clouds
when it pleases me -
yet darkness engulfs us both

I peer into my blinkered periscope and observe
how your scurvied skeleton surface
when I drop rusty depth charges that are
defused, with equal parts desperation,
disdain, and contempt
you’ve lost your bearings, and so too my moral heading

I remember now
what Guilt forgot
obfuscated under a childish grin of
smoke and mirrors and
a selective eyepatch.

Friday, October 21, 2011

what's your motivation?

everytime there's a slight, nurse that internal fury and fester it deep down inside, until an explosion into something beautiful. spurred on, just to prove everyone (and no one) in particular, dead wrong. there is, and must be, a universal arbiter. or just build the damned system that respects you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

grandma’s in Wonderland.

something i submitted for movingwords, but it didn't win. I suppose for good reasons: a somewhat magical, imaginative leap of dementia, with a sprinkling of artistic and factual liberty. on the other hand, i did win the Before We Forget Photo Challenge, which perhaps was an all-together weaker competition. I would have preferred this though. But it still makes for a good combination.

Mad hatter
Buck-toothed, crazy-eyed,
even logic’s said its good-bye.
Literary nonsense couldn’t prepare us more
For You licking gruel off the ground floor

Track-marked face
North-south, or East-West?
now the cheshire cat asks in jest.
your habitual grandson-to-grandson trips a month ago
that’s when Your mind’s concession decided to go

We can afford it
A private car, private carriage,
only when your mind’s turned to cabbage.
Grant you your shimmery rosary beads
Drawn by a foreign tanned steed

Your last
Train is coming, train is coming
In case of emergency, press to hear the fat lady sing.
Or if You’d prefer, I have Your storybook, let’s go
Thud-thud-thud-again, down the Rabbit Hole

Monday, July 18, 2011

because every dog has its day.

because between a taxi-driver and a factory worker, between sharing 6 years of education culminating in a PSLE certificate, between a 3-room HDB flat that we can never seem to get out of, between hilarious attempts at learning (broken) english greetings, between life, till now, and the sum of its parts, between sorry-i-can't-take-you-to-another-continent-but-at-least-a-malay-palace-with-a-head-of-state, we can finally look back and laugh, with hope, pride, and vindication.

Friday, April 29, 2011

scrutinise the party manifestos, okay?

sick and tired of 'concerned' Singaporeans groveling for concrete ideas (instead of vague rhetoric) from the incumbent or the opposition. Perhaps efforts spent espousing your political alignment would be better served googling for more information. The net, unfortunately, makes it much easier to whine than to click search.

Additional government policies - to its credit